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Updated: Nov 24

Take heed what you hear (Luke 8:18)’

As we read in Mark 5, a woman suffered from an issue of blood for twelve years, and various doctors tried to treat her. She had spent all that she had, and nothing improved, but rather got more miserable. As soon as she heard about Jesus, she reached behind him and touched his garment. Although she was a bit late, she was at the right place at the right time.

Are you aware of what she heard? What she heard is the most significant thing. She heard that Jesus did not cast away anyone who came to Him. The tradition of that time forbids women from approaching men freely, but that was not the case with Jesus.

Having thought she was unclean, she heard Jesus touching and cleansing a leper. The Lord accepted all who came to Him for healing and healed them all.

He will not extinguish the dimly burning wick. He will not break off a broken reed. Jesus is a multi-speciality hospital.

Her faith was sparked by this. The woman came straight to Jesus and took her healing.

One of the most important revelations we need is that God is good. This was the first message we preached in every village ministry. God is forever good and always good. Our God is not someone who kills, beats, plucks or destroys. Do not be afraid of what man can do to you. Our God rules still. 

An interesting documentary showed King Nebuchadnezzar throwing three men into the fire. Daniel was pleading with the king and they were all scared to death. The four men were shivering as they were being thrown into the fire, and then the fourth man appeared. It's a big lie. Daniel was a prophet, he knew what was going to happen. As prophets, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew that they would be saved on that day.

It was for this reason that they boldly said, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter."

They weren't frightened or feeble, knowing their God could deliver them from the burning hell. This is exactly what we need. 

Prophets are the spiritual rulers of the province. Earthly kings can rule over their provinces and be in charge of their people. Though the king has great power, he cannot change what happens in the spiritual realm.

In order to find Elijah, a powerful king like Ahab was forced to go in search of him. Physical material realms are subordinate to spiritual realms. The spiritual rulers - prophets are over the great kings. We are now kings and priests in God's spiritual realm. Whenever we bind something on Earth, it will be bound in heaven. If we lose something on earth, it will be loosed in heaven. Decrees can only be made by kings.

You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you;So light will shine on your ways.

Job 22:28

In accordance with your decree, it will be established. That is why when men say there is casting down, you can decree that there is lifting up for you. So it will be, and light will shine upon our paths. We are the rulers. The world is in bad times. We won't have to fret about anything when we know what we are made of. 

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